HomeSports psychologyPlaying Consolation


Playing Consolation — 3 Comments

  1. Juniors learn how to get match tough by playing in the consolations at national tournaments, which have twice as many matches as the main draw. Juniors need to play doubles, so if they lose in singles they get back on the court to play doubles and support their partner. Matches are just as important in the consolation as in the main draw. Players who don’t play consolation in Southern Cal don’t get any credit for the tournament (wins in the main draw don’t count).

    • You are 100% correct Eric. Consolation teaches lessons that you could never learn in practice. Life lessons that could change some children for the better. Fifteen years later I look back and think how that Easter Bowl changed me as a person and competitor.

  2. The first problem is calling it CONSOLATION. Let’s just call it THE BACK DRAW, and we will see more juniors playing in it. The name and stigma of that word “consolation” are the problem. Let’s make a more friendly name for it.