HomeTennis coachTop Mistakes in Coaching Communication


Top Mistakes in Coaching Communication — 1 Comment

  1. Most of coaches outside a family will work on their interests – not interests of a player. That’s the main problem, and this is very natural.

    A coach has his/her family, financial interests, hobbies etc. It is quite normal that he/she tries to make them first. But competitive tennis is irrational, so you really need to suffer first, then succeed. You need to reject more money-generating opportunities or easy-going lifestyle for your player.

    This is very, very rare thing to find such a person outside the family. Effectively impossible.

    That is why we saw men champion of RG17 coached by his uncle, and women champion managed (and recently coached) by her mother.

    So, coaches, of you wanna be effective in competitive tennis – work with your own kids. Parents: stop looking for “a magic coach” who will make you a champion. Start learn tennis yourself + hire a hitting partner who will deliver a ball where and how you want.